Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hinting Bliss

The talking and writing of things of immortal
chakra whirling and opening portal...
so much info to process and read
from a metallic computer 
at lightening speed...

Whew, the commercials know me
with uncanny greed.
It's funny and silly to a knowing
Star Seed. 

There is Joy in the moment, 
and pain in the sigh
but it matters not to an
uncaring eye. (which is closing).

Buy bye.

The shift is upon us
it is felt without news,
a heart and a beat
to the me and the yous.

The bliss is internal
it burns ever bright
to the gladness of morn
or dark soul of the night

it's a hint in the wilderness.
(and wild in its bliss).

It has nothing to do with 
what is wrong or what's right,
you go under a bridge
and burst into flight.

A hinting of colors amongst
black, gray, and white.

A sunny g'day and a bonny g'd night.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Heart of the Matter

I've seen Love in the broken net
coming to suffer, things I could not regret.

The gulls are flying in disarray
there is one as a peace dove
that laughs along the way.

The golds and the crimson
glide in purview,
I love them and let them
come into a hue

the pinks and oranges
come into the view

as inks and teal points
uplift me anew,
no askance for difference
it so all last milieu.

I think and I know
nothing at all.
Is it ascension
or noting the fall?

I feel in song of angels
of a petit death defying...
the mortals lament
and a good day spent
is not in sync here,
the heart knows why
it's just a cry of bleed
but once
and for all
it's a Home... indeed!

Come now in Love
and shine an explosion
of Joy... you do remember
why you came?
Can you feel the emotion?

Expose your truth
and let the seeds
fall where they find
growth in a trough
of enough. That's All.

Shine on little sprout,
the path is shining
in your favor.
The bittersweet honey
of an unearthly unsaver,

Nous comprenons!
Nous sommes un!

Look at the sun!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Goddess Rising

Retired from old and worn out ways
laid down from streaky mud smeared daze
I count the rays
the Sun gives praise
the night gives way
to moonlit strays.

I seek the maze.

Yawning and stretching
with arching brows
I left the world of heres and nows
within a plane of furrowed plows
and caught the seed of sacred cows.

I'm going in for starship wows.

I take no vows.

Here I AM in violet hue
the pinks are rising
in Goddess view.
I laugh, I cry, I sigh a whew
knowing what I have to do.

Nothing is everything too.

A dream is play upon a day
to dust that falls upon the clay,
the structure of a fallen quay
that bids adieu to seeking prey.

A wink in the dark.

I play to gods who have their say
in kisses loose and wanton sway
no tightlipped maybe's
along the way... smiling
freely, She's here to stay!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Golden Morning Afternoon

There was a tease of promise;
a reunion in disguise,
a languid liquid
in afternoon wiling.

A turning point
of pleasure;
a bliss of surrender
a sleep
so deep
against time
and space
an eagle
is All.

so slow
and dim now
Wake slow.

Where, what, why?

I havent the foggiest



"Love is All there is..."

Dylan... keep me here

a while longer.

Waking a harmonic...

Awake in a circle

timeless from space.

Ride the golden morning

in the evening of your eyes.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

So Fi Ah

I saw three ships a floating
in a see as thin as air
one direct, meeting life
and on the horizon there.

I laughed at the dirge
the balloonery three
and met them with a stare.
You funny men in a sky
gone grey, you'll never
see the light of day.
I did. Goddess me!

There is no IS outside the me
the blue skies and the sun
still shine, so let the matter be.
You belong to We.

Minoan snake, will do her
shake and laugh at thine,
a morbid shrine of
death and sin,
from another time.
We're free.

The children came, the seeds
were sown, from towns
and cities outside the throne.
Fear us not, we come with Love
and messages from the Skies,
the Earth, the Grid below.


She sees the storm from a Mother's
throne, and will bring the children
safely home. We will all hold
hands and sing the songs
that unlock the mysteries
of what went wrong.


The dawn is breaking to an
early mourn. The sky is falling,
the child has been born.

Give thanks and sing a lullaby,
to the gift that has been birthed
upon a sigh ... of Awakening.

So, Fi, Ahhh.

Rise and Shine.

A New Day has Dawned!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Escape Artist

Oh the irony, and the horror, and the joyous retreat
on the escape perch of a honorous repeat...
past, present, future lie waiting in a whisper of speech.

A canvas of spectacle in a constellation of stars
that crash into the holy presence of this peaceful
place of ours. We drink a glass of forgetfulness
facing uncertain bars. There's a twinkle of hope
and a red face on Mars, and Venus is rising.

We lived in then it recurs in now, we need escape
but we don't know how. We smile and give
our humble solaces, to those who cloud with lying promises.
The car it waits, it's black as coal, it sees our
heart and knows our goal... or waits to see
if we'll sell our gold, or tattle upon the lies we've been sold.

Sit there fool, you cantankerous thing
our minds you know, our hearts you sting...
the soul can't be sold for anything.

I saw the colors swirling fast, that cleansed
the present of the past. It etched a silent
song in rhythm, a vibration beating without
a vision. A drama unfolding without conclusion.
The car it spies in sad collusion with soulless
ripples without permission. Hello, good-bye.

The dark night comes to raise the mind to
sleepless encounters that were left behind.
We escape in daytime to chase them away,
at night they assert that they're here to stay.

Round and round and round it goes
and where it stops, nobody knows.
I live, I escape, and sleep with the foes
as somewhere inside me a merkaba grows.

The watcher outside me is that black shiny spy
the feeler within me can feel through a lie
I can't not but live as I'm not willing to die.  

The Venus of Willendorf holds in her womb
the seekers of truth who have been sealed in a tomb.
The voices are singing with the notes from the Heart,
they have lost all their fear... a most Onederful start!

Monday, July 1, 2013


The Sun rises and shines on your face with a warm kiss.

The birds wake at the crack of dawn to sing just for you.

The ocean continually waves to you in time and memory.

Will you feel? Will you hear? Will you see?

It is All Love... reminding you of who you are.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Sphinx...she laughs.

Sitting on her ancient haunches
she sits in the sand
protectress of slaves,
stoic as stone,
a grim smile
as the elite
ponder the
of their sacred being.
Waiting, oh so patiently
while errant children
rule as tyrants. Mine,
mine, Mine.

Nevermind... naughty brats.

A Mothers love is patient,
tolerant to a fault.

Now she is cracking up,
the folly of their regal play
is over, the slaves are free,
fire breathing dragons are funny...

When the sandy dust settles
ALL will be well with the world.

Hahaha... it is a good laugh indeed!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

After the Flatline

There was a striving to do, accomplish,
and make the world a better place
according to a will that was packaged
and sold to the wannabe winners.

I matter, was not a mutter,
it was a scream
heard in the dark
of the personal night
and no one listened or shared...

and the sun came up
to another day and the yawning yearn
of appreciation, but indignation
of finally fitting in with the living
room tattlers of dark tales
told with smiles and coos
and tight smiles and clothes.

I'm drinking my big gulp coffee
and painting my face
and hating the man that brings
me the salvation of the buck
that I need to keep up the lie
that I might succeed
someday in a a cloud of greed.

Shit, that was then, long ago,
today I lay as a grand mummy
and watch the colors
eyes closed, mind shut...
I think with my heart.

Those colors, those beautiful
colors... they are me... and...
I am blessed to be amongst
the unsuccessful.

I can feel my own pulse.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

When the bird flew freely...

Long ago and far away
in lands of make believe
two free birds flew freely
in a darkened cellar
where the light was blinding
and smiles and coos
and flapping wings
gave flight
to a giddy hi!!
for a moment of free...
Not to be-
a witness saw
and cut off the wings
in an irreverent prayer
of condemnation.
Go home, and you...
winged devil
put on your clothes
and go to your room
and think about what
you did... in your
contemptuous nakedness!
You can't be free here
it's wrong
and evil!
Your body is sacred
when it has clothes on.

The child punished
hid in the shadows
of a bedroom of horrors
that were quiet and

She did not forget
that freedom...
she flies
as much
and as often
as she can
get away with...
in the comfort of
her own cellar,
bedroom, freedom.

Dress me up
strip me down
and share my flight.

God knows,
and so do I,
it was not the last
joy of unadulterated
that was my birthright.

It just stays hidden
amongst the
children who
never grew up
to conform to a
shamed world.

Fly free,
naked and pure,
open and
sing your coo...
the adults were wrong
in their righteousness.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Forgiveness is a Feather

All of the angers, 
that are or ever were
are stored as a charge
in a blind rage of blur.

They are shackles of chains
they are tight leaden cords
they creep into our thoughts
and into our words.

Binding and blinding
our rage is suppressed
and into the psyche
the anger's compressed
to an issue of grief
that feeds on itself
and depression survives
in a dry well of tears
and it points to the compass
that spells out our fears.

Welcome to feeling.

The mind knows only
of a linear advance
it figures out slowly
from it's own happenstance.

The heart beats it rhythm
it is slow but profound
and it lets us know
when fear is around.

Listen, ssshhh mind be still
breathe a long breath 
into the energy till. And again,
and again as your own in and out...
are you getting the jest of what
breathing's about?

Those shackles and cords
can be cut and set loose
when the heart is the light
of our own inner truth.

It will beat out the mind
it makes now your forever
and the leaden caste forces
will turn into a feather
to look at and marvel
as I knew that it would,
a lesson of life that
was misunderstood.

Blow gently and laugh
that feather so light
those chains and dull
shackles are a plan of
your light. No need to 
to defend, or struggle or fight,
when you blow ever gently
on your feather of fright.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

It's a Feeling Thing

Oh Law of Attraction
I knew it well
as told by bestsellers
who were trying
to tell in plain words
that were lost
on mere wishes
and dreams
of how to get rich
in quick thinking schemes.

It attracted attention
and the hope of the ones
whose lives were drowned
out by the beat of war drums.

It's not in the wishing
of a mind's intention,
that only limits the power
of a Divine intervention.

You could drive yourself insane
with the distraction of thought,
it was wrong, that message that
was being sold and taught.

Your wishes are a paradox
locked in a box, waiting
for you to undo all the locks.

It's a feeling that awakes you
which comes from your heart,
I heard it from within (which is
the best place to start).

When you feel that those wishes
are already there, when you have them
as feeling, they ARE already there.

Wake up with your feelings
let them come, let them go,
don't edit your life
with the things that you know.
It's a dance of the brave,
a whirling of sorts,
let the heart speak it's course
to your listening cohorts.

Make peace with yourself
on your higher concourse.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


What can you give me that I don't already have?
I look within my self and see everything
that is, or ever was, in colors that cannot be named.

I can see you reflected in my eyes,
we are one in the same...
differing of words, or opinions,
emotions, or desires,
but what do we have to share?

Look in to my eyes,
deeper and deeply,
and you shall see my fear,
my joy, my will to surrender...
and you will see yourself
and breathe yourself,
because we are babes
in a shackled playpen
learning to be free.

Bliss is a moment
longing for a lifetime.

Unity is a remembrance
that we are willing to share.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

God Spark

There's a flame that burns brightly
in spite of the dark,
a quark.

It's the glorious glow
of your soul's
God spark.

It glows for One Love,
heart to heart.