Saturday, May 26, 2012

Give It Up and Away

All that struggle to be...
a job, a ritual, a somebody
perfect in body, demeanor,
creator of a soul that the
world would like to see.

It wasn't me.

Hard-wired as a program
of who I was, a computerized person
just seeking some love.

Failure to please, lost in a dream,
life as a lesson can get pretty mean
when your life is a judgement
from a televised screen.

Nothing makes sense, as a
far fetched farce, so I tuned out
and gave up, and fessed up my worth.

It was divine.

There is nothing to do, but accept
who I Am... there is nothing to prove
in this flash of life's pan.
The heat is on, then a cold wind follows.
My days are spent watching
the flight plans of swallows.

So what?

There are lonely days, and isolation,
there are hours spent on meditation
but joy and acceptance have taken over
the thoughts of past concerns...
well they're certainly over.

I gave up.

No struggles, no hurries, no strivings
or worries. Just a joy for the moment
that comes in succession, grateful and
mindful, of a loving concession.

I smile.

If there is one little thing that I'm mindful
to do... it's to be kind and compassionate
in all that I do. I forgave my self for being...
and the rest of the world too.

Lighten up... is what I am able to do.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Brave Soul

You came here through that glorious tunnel of birth
with a goal in mind and all the encouragement
that the heavens could instill.

You chose the circumstances, the family, the plot
that would give you opportunity to make the changes
that the world was waiting for... you planned on change
based on love, and set your sights to sail from childhood.

You were loved when helpless, but slowly it was pulled
away when you could not make those around you aware.
You were disciplined and brainwashed to think a certain way,
to act in accordance with what was wrong from the get-go.
Your word was No and was not to be tolerated. But you forged ahead and did the best you could. It was harder than you imagined.
It was war on your intention and gentle being. Love had a cost.

Your plan was thwarted, stolen from under you like so many others who came to make a difference.
You banded together with others in frustration and decided
to play the game of the world as it is... and your power got lost.

Now look in the mirror at those sad searching eyes... go look deeply.
Your heart is still beating and there is plenty of time to go back
and remember. Can you be still enough to clear that programmed chatter of unimportant thought and will the remembrance?

See that little light in your pupils... wipe your tears, it never left you from your birth.
It is your divinity, your spark of life that remembers your plan.
Deep cleansing breath... love that face that has endured so much pain, hug yourself and be thankful that you still matter.

The world will be changed in the twinkling of an eye... it is just waiting for your own recognition of Love.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star... light the Universe with who you are.